Brad In Japan: Travel By Train
In which Brad shares traveling by train, Halloween photos, and talks COD & Overwatch
Hellloooo Everyone!
And welcome to this week's update! I had lots going on including going to Confession and Mass for All Saints Day, the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and the sad loss of the Houston Outlaws. It's a packed newsletter so let's dive in!
Travel By Train - A New YouTube Video!
I'm still trying to figure out quality issues, BUT, this one is much better than the last and gives a fun insight into what traveling by train in Japan is like! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want to know more :)
Of course, Halloween is behind us now so no need to be frightened, but here are a few pictures from our Halloween party and me wearing cat ears in class Monday haha.

Overwatch 2
I know many of you will skip this, but I love Overwatch and the league has been a big thing I root for since Houston has a team! I'll keep it short by saying we were 6th in the league but made it all the way to the finals for the playoffs until we lost to Dallas :(
Dallas went on to beat San Francisco (who had won twice) to claim the championship! So not too mad that we lost to the champions, but I wish we'd won... 3rd is better than 6th though :)
Call of Duty
Another mention since I've been playing lots with my friend Sam. He coerced me into purchasing it, and after signing my soul away, have been playing quite a bit with him haha. I'm terrible at it, but I coerced him into playing Overwatch with me where I'm better so we're even 🤪
As my farewell, here is a fun decorative scene I found in front of someone's house.

I hope the video is fun, you enjoyed hearing about something other than Japan (even though video games are closely related haha), and that the photos were fun! Here's to next week :) And as always,
Thanks for Reading!