Brad In Japan: Tokyo Disneyland!

In which Brad goes to Tokyo Disneyland, a local festival, and creates a Facebook account.

Brad In Japan: Tokyo Disneyland!
Photo by Roméo A. / Unsplash

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was my first visit to Tokyo Disneyland! It was a super fun time with the classmates and Disney crew as the weather was great and the Halloween decorations were out. Also below, I have a Facebook if you want to friend me there, and last weekend had a local festival.

Tokyo Disneyland

We'll start off with photos of the main event!

It was so much fun walking around with the group as we got to talk (making the lines go quicker), get to know more about each other, and have fun being a kid again. I wasn't expecting much, but hopped on board quickly when I saw the Tigger headband haha.

Our grand finale was a new Beauty & the Beast ride. It was built during COVID, so a lot of people were waiting excitedly and the line was a 100-minute wait!?! Crazy. But so worth it as I almost immediately went to watch the movie after cause the ride was so good haha.

Local Festival

Aside from that fun, there was a local festival outside my house where they held various events and performances. The photo with the small cheerleaders is where they held a middle school band playing Aladdin. I cried cause I wanted to be a kid again.


I successfully deleted my Facebook years ago, but have found myself in a position where the "postings" of events are through the site. In order for me to be able to participate, therefore, I needed to make an account. While not anticipating much use, I wanted to at least extend the invite in case you'd like to be friends. Click here for my profile.

If you would like, I can also post more photos from the events there? Let me know by replying!

Hopefully, this was a fun update and that it brought some joy to your life :) I appreciate you all and as always,

Thanks for Reading!

Bradley Wargo

Think differently more often, or just get more emails