Brad In Japan: Sakura 🌸
In which Brad just shares a bunch of Sakura photos, a picnic, and some church photos :)

Hellllloooo Everyone!
And welcome to this week's blog post :) It's mostly a photo dump with us starting off with a pink bang!
Cherry Blossom (Sakura 🌸 in Japanese)

The Picnic w/ Friends

I got the Sakura photos from Zen (in the blue Jeans, far right of the photos above). We all (the classmates) had a picnic and it was both yummy and fun. Glad we had a chance to hang out after finishing another round of classes last week.
Church Group!
As I mentioned in another post, I had been going to a young adults meeting at a nearby church. We had our monthly meeting last weekend.

Such a fun bunch and I'm glad to have met many of them. Hoping to keep building the community, whoop!
Final Week of Lent

As we're heading into Holy Week, I'm praying extra hard for everyone! This'll be a somber week. Completely unrelated is my final set of classes starting, but perhaps I feel sad about both. Let me know if there's anything you're going through and need prayers for!
Wrap Up
Let's just see it one more time.

That's it for this week really. A photo dump as promised, but I hope you enjoyed! Praying for everyone and as always,
Thanks for Reading!