Brad In Japan: Happy Monday!

In which Brad shares political practices, a fun photo, and some young adults photos

Brad In Japan: Happy Monday!
Us rolling out of bed looking for coffee... Photo by Janosch Diggelmann / Unsplash

Helloooo Everyone

And welcome to this week's letter :) Coming through on Monday because I meant to do it yesterday afternoon and ended up celebrating someone's birthday instead. It was lots of fun as we ate ice cream in the park! What a time.

Youth Group

Right before the ice cream was the Young Adults meeting at the church. It's been steadily sitting around 25-30 people each month which is awesome to see as many people come and go.

Political Practices

From Jesus to Voting. Sounds like a fun Japan non-the-less!! Jokes aside, I wanted to share some political practices I've seen this time of year as they're very different from America.

I don't know much about their system, who the people are and their stances, nor can I vote. That doesn't stop them from trying to get me too! The cars drive around and 2-4 people are in there shouting "please vote for XX". I've discovered that if you wave at them, they get super excited and thank you like 6 times.

I wave a lot 😆

I believe voting happened yesterday so best of luck to all the candidates. Of which there seems to be a shortage which you can read more if curious!

Happy Days

On a lighter note, here's a fun picture of school kids (faces covered).

They wear colorful hats to identify their grade and that they're kids. Not much other than this being really uncommon back home and I wanted to share!

Wrap Up

Despite the delay, I wanted to share the fun developments and interesting things I've been finding. I hope you are doing well and would love to hear your thoughts if anything struck you in the letter. As always,

Thanks for Reading!

Bradley Wargo

Think differently more often, or just get more emails